Does anybody remember the case of Saint Paul, Minnesota attorney Tilmer Eugene Thompson who was convicted of ordering the murder of his wife Carol in 1963 in their residential domicile in the Saint Paul subdivision of Highland Park? Because I was born in December of 1962 I am not old enough to remember that murder case but I am very interested in it because I am interested in criminology.
George Yurich
JoinedPosts by George Yurich
Tilmer Eugene Thompson Murderer
by George Yurich indoes anybody remember the case of saint paul, minnesota attorney tilmer eugene thompson who was convicted of ordering the murder of his wife carol in 1963 in their residential domicile in the saint paul subdivision of highland park?
because i was born in december of 1962 i am not old enough to remember that murder case but i am very interested in it because i am interested in criminology.
40TH Anniversary Of Tate-Labianca Murders
by George Yurich in9 and 10 august was the 40th anniversary of the tate-labianca murders.
manson, watson and krenwinkle will never be paroled.
atkins has terminal cancer and thus there is no reason to parole atkins.
George Yurich
Big Tex, Van Houten is the least culpable of all the former members of Manson's Family because she did not actually murder anyone. The Labianc's were already deceased when she inflicted those stab wounds into them. I am not stating that Van Houten is innocent of murder or robbery. But because Van Houten is the least culpable of all of the former members of Manson's Family then she is the only one who even has a ghost of a chance at being paroled. Even the fomer assistant district attorney Kaye has stated that Van Houten is the only former member of Manson Family that even has a ghost of a chance at being paroled.
40TH Anniversary Of Tate-Labianca Murders
by George Yurich in9 and 10 august was the 40th anniversary of the tate-labianca murders.
manson, watson and krenwinkle will never be paroled.
atkins has terminal cancer and thus there is no reason to parole atkins.
George Yurich
Big Tex:I started this thread because I am interested in the Tate-Labianca Murder Case because I am interrested in criminology and the Tate-Labianca murders were in 1969 the most horrific murders that had taken place in the country up until that time. You keep mentioning something about that I have to provide evidence for my assertion. What assertion is that? The only reason why I brought up the passing of Atkins was that Atkins was a member of the Manson Family and that is what this thread pertains to.
40TH Anniversary Of Tate-Labianca Murders
by George Yurich in9 and 10 august was the 40th anniversary of the tate-labianca murders.
manson, watson and krenwinkle will never be paroled.
atkins has terminal cancer and thus there is no reason to parole atkins.
George Yurich
I have never stated nor do I believe that Atkins was innocent. Atkins was guilty as sin. So I do not know where yoiu got the insane notion that I believed that Atkins was innocent?
40TH Anniversary Of Tate-Labianca Murders
by George Yurich in9 and 10 august was the 40th anniversary of the tate-labianca murders.
manson, watson and krenwinkle will never be paroled.
atkins has terminal cancer and thus there is no reason to parole atkins.
George Yurich
Susan Denise Atkins former member of Manson Family passed away on 24 September 2009 from brain cancer.
40TH Anniversary Of Tate-Labianca Murders
by George Yurich in9 and 10 august was the 40th anniversary of the tate-labianca murders.
manson, watson and krenwinkle will never be paroled.
atkins has terminal cancer and thus there is no reason to parole atkins.
George Yurich
Atkins was denied parole for what could be the final time as she is dying of cancer.
40TH Anniversary Of Tate-Labianca Murders
by George Yurich in9 and 10 august was the 40th anniversary of the tate-labianca murders.
manson, watson and krenwinkle will never be paroled.
atkins has terminal cancer and thus there is no reason to parole atkins.
George Yurich
Big Tex:You asked if it is my contention that Van Houten was wrongfully convicted? Yes it is my contention that Van Houten was wrongfully convicted of homicide. Van Houten should only have been charged with desecration of a corpse since the Labianca's were already deceased when Van Houten inflicted the stab wounds.
40TH Anniversary Of Tate-Labianca Murders
by George Yurich in9 and 10 august was the 40th anniversary of the tate-labianca murders.
manson, watson and krenwinkle will never be paroled.
atkins has terminal cancer and thus there is no reason to parole atkins.
George Yurich
Black Sheep: You asked if I believe that Manson should not have been convicted since he did not participate in the homicides and was not present during the homicides? No I do not believe that. I believe that because Manson ordered the homicides to be committed that he is the most culpable. But when Van Houten inflicted the stab wounds into the Labianca's they were already deceased. So if someone is already deceased when stab wounds are inflicted then how can the individual who inflicted the stab wounds be charged with homicide? That is totally illogical.
Psychologists repudiate gay-to-straight therapy
by Rabbit ini'm guessing the wts and some others won't be capable of understanding this article ?
damn the torpedoes people -- full speed ahead !!.
George Yurich
Well naturally psychologists repudiate gay-to-straight therapy because psychologists are insane and psychotic and are in league with Satan just like fruit cakes(homosexuals) are in league with Satan for choosing to be fruit cakes.
40TH Anniversary Of Tate-Labianca Murders
by George Yurich in9 and 10 august was the 40th anniversary of the tate-labianca murders.
manson, watson and krenwinkle will never be paroled.
atkins has terminal cancer and thus there is no reason to parole atkins.
George Yurich
9 and 10 August was the 40th anniversary of the Tate-Labianca murders. Manson, Watson and Krenwinkle will never be paroled. Atkins has terminal cancer and thus there is no reason to parole Atkins. Van Houten is the only one who has a ghost of a chance to be paroled. Actually why was Van Houten convicted of homicide when the Labianca's were already deceased when Van Houten inflicted the stab wounds? The only criminal act that Van Houten should have been convicted of is desecration of a corpse.